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Ryan's Development!

Words at 17 months (as of 8/15/14)
"peez" (please)
"teeka" (Chica)
poop/"I poop"

Favorite things to do:
CEILING FANS (ALL must be on)
play in dog food/water
play in refrigerator
throw food off high chair
read books
watch Sprout
play in water
do things himself (buckles on high chair and car seat)
play outside
spin things
play with mommy and daddy's phones

Favorite foods:
fruits and veggies (especially blueberries and green beans)
french toast
cottage cheese (only at Ashley's)
Club crackers
yogurt bites
veggie straws

*Can locate his belly button
*Points to objects in books
*Goes to high chair when hungry
*Washes hands
*Follows directions
*Goes to stairs when ready for bed/nap
*Claps hands


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